Tuesday 18 August 2015

Revelation 3 - Sardis

God writes a letter to the people in the church of Sardis. The people in this particular church is spiritually dead. They have no meaningful relationship with God. The people however are misguided. They believe that they are spiritually alive, awake because of their works but in reality they are dead. The people in the church of Sardis represents Christians of first world countries, whose lives are so hectic and comfortable that they lose all meaningful connection and dependence on God. We are so busy with our jobs, careers, families, hobbies, technologies, wealth, blogs and facebook accounts that we dont have time for God. We are always in a rush or preoccupied with others things that although we read the bible, it has very little meaning, although we pray, its not heartfelt, it lacks passion and sincerity. Although we go to church, it lacks motivation. Inspite all the spiritual things we say and do, it fails to inspire or revival or hearts into true repents and commitment. As a result, our actions become void of meaning. We do things out tradition and habit. And in the case of the church of Sardis, we become lost in our actions: Thinking that because we attend church every week, because we give sabbath school lessons, because we pay our tithe that we are alive, when in fact we are pretty much dead. Stuck in our ways, having hearts of stone, that constantly rejects God's word, God's leading and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. For this reason, God warns us, the church of Sardis to be careful of our spiritual slumber. As for those of us who continue to sleep, his return will come upon us like a thief in the night. And we will be like the 5 foolish virgins who were not prepared for the Lord's return. 

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