Thursday 28 April 2011

Chief of Sinners though I be

Chief of sinners though i be

The depth and hue of my sin as that of the Red sea
Blessed assurance, Jesus still says to me
"I gave my life for thee"

Chief of sinners i am
Moment by moment His commandments break i them
Intemperance, pride, covetousness
daily weighed and found wanting in the balances of righteousness
When in despair i proclaim "woe is me!"
A still small voice whispers
"My grace is sufficient for thee"

Chief of sinners though i be
Each day crucifying Him a new on calvary`s tree
About to let down the banner, asking why bother?
Wondefully God counsels
"Come now let us reason together"

Chief of sinners though i be
Jesus shed His blood for me.
Though Satan`s arrows are hurled at a me
Safely in Him, sin i can conquer, why?
He promised
"You are the apple of mine eye"

Chief of sinners though i be, Jesus died for me..

By Gobe Halahala

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