Thursday 12 September 2013

Did You Know...

Did You Know...?

Did you know that there is someone greater than all us?
Someone greater.... 
than your friends, 
your teachers, 
your parents, 
and even the president.

And although you cannot see him,  
did you know....

that He can see You?!

Even....when you hide. 

The bible says, light and dark is the same to Him. 
This means that whether its morning or night, 
no matter if it's sunny or pitch black
He... can still see You?! 

Even....when you're crying inside. 

His eye sight is so perfect, 
that he can see straight through you. 

He... can read your heart.

Did you know....
that the same God, 
that made mountains,
formed light out of darkness 
created the sun, 
the moon, 
the skies, 
the seas 
and everything that you see, 

also.... made You?! 

Did you know...
that the same God, 
who can make the winds blows 
and cause the rain to fall, 
is The One,
who makes your heart beat, 
gives you life 
and cause your whole body to function?
Did you know that this same God,
this awesome God, 
The One you cannot see, 

loves YOU so?!

The bible says, 
for God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son, 
that who ever, believes in him
should not perish, 
but have everlasting life.

One author says..
To prove his love 
like no-one else could.
God used
three nails and two pieces of wood,
and the CROSS 
said it all.   

So the next time, 
you feel alone 
and that no one loves you. 

Just remember,
God Loves....YOU!

Written by Saranga Mckenzie

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