Tuesday 28 December 2021


Water is the basis of all life. Water is as unique as life is unique. It is a marvel of the Creator and is still little explored to this day.

Just as the earth is covered with about 70% water, the human body is about 70% water. Water penetrates every cell in the body and enables communication between the different cells. All functions of the organism, such as digestion, metabolism, the transfer of information, cardiovascular function and much more are regulated by the water. But water is also indispensable for our thinking processes, feelings and moods. In addition, the elimination of toxins that arise in the body through digestive processes can only be eliminated through the kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs with the help of water.

Under these circumstances, how important is it to provide our body with enough good water. As a rule of thumb, around 30 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight apply. Coffee, beer, wine, soft drinks and juices are not a substitute for water because they have to be metabolized first. The toxins that are absorbed with coffee, cocoa, alcohol and black tea, for example, also remove water from the body. The hangover in the morning after a night of drinking is the result of excessive water loss due to the body's detoxification processes. The fewer additives or ingredients the water contains, the more it can perform its flushing function.

Too little water intake causes the body to age prematurely. The cells dry out and die faster.

But the water does not only have an invigorating and healing effect when used internally. The healing power of overheating baths, contrast showers and ablutions, saunas, ascending foot baths and so on has long been known. By stimulating the immune system, the self-healing powers are stimulated and the body is internally cleansed.

So it is worthwhile to give this precious water more value in our daily life. Your body will thank you with better health.

Our tip: Have your water ration ready in the morning and start your day with 1-2 glasses of fresh water. If you add a squeezed lemon, your liver and gall bladder will be happy about the morning cleansing too. Take a hot shower, then cold, and after a good night's sleep, you will start the day with a clear head and more creative enthusiasm. Drink sips so that the water can reach the gastric outlet and the bloodstream straight away via the gastric arch (small curvature). Immediately before meals and for two hours afterwards, you should not drink anything if possible.

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