Saturday 18 December 2021

An Ugly Heart


There is nothing quite so ugly or destructive as a jealous heart. When you begrudge the talents and gifts that God has given others, you are actually accusing God of being unfair, believing that you are more deserving. You begin to think that God doesn’t know what He’s doing, is stingy, and has cheated you out of what should have been yours. If you allow the bitter weed of envy to grow, it will choke out every ounce of happiness you have on this earth and in the earth to come - because you won’t be there. There is simply no room for jealousy in a Christian’s heart. James 3:16 says, “For where envy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every kind of evil." And in Proverbs 14:30, we’re told, "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." When your coworker gets that promotion that you were hoping for, your neighbor drives home with a new car, a family member inherits more money than you, or friends are given an exotic vacation - rejoice in their good fortune, instead of allowing bitterness to creep into your heart believing that it should have been your blessing. How God chooses to bestow blessings upon His children is His prerogative, not yours. The bitter weed of envy grows rampant in a soil of selfishness and pride. It is stubborn, tough, and resilient, and you can’t just “wish” for it to go away - you must purposefully “choose” to remove it. The only way to get rid of an ugly heart filled with jealousy is to ask God to change you. Pray David’s prayer in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me,” and then thank God for all the blessings He has given you - and be truly grateful! 

© Brenda Walsh Ministries

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