Wednesday 14 November 2018

Peace is a Gift

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Peace is not an attribute we strive for. It is not a state of mind we achieve through some meditative state. Peace is a gift God offers. We receive it by faith.When we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit brings peace. Scripture calls the Holy Spirit our Comforter. He is the one who holds us up and supports us, encourages us, steadies us, and gives us peace. Peace is the state of calm assurance. Its like the ocean, although on top the waves tossing and turning and everything is in chaos, yet below at the bottom everything is still calm. It is the result of trust, of knowing that someone much greater than we is in control. 

Peace is the opposite of worry. Worry projects the worst possible scenario on the screen of our minds. Peace trusts that God will work to accomplish His good in every situation. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Receiving Him, we receive peace. And when we are at peace with God, we cannot be made miserable.

The old hymn states it well:"Peace! peace! wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above; sweep over my spirit forever, I pray, in fathomless billows of love." Today open your heart to receive heaven's Dove of Peace. Accept His gift of peace. It is yours for the asking.

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