Tuesday 14 November 2017

Pure choices: Sex on the side

In today's show the panel discuss the various aspects of sex on the side their effects and what the bible has to say about. Below is a short extract from the show. 

What is sexting? 
Someone wanna define that for us? 
What is it? 

I mean, sexting from what I understand is, I guess, taking pictures of yourself, I guess, with your camera phone and your cell phone or something like that, and sending it to people who you're interested or them sending pictures back so it's kind of like a visual stimulation. 
I think, essentially it's sexual intimacy through media. 
Yeah. So... They're actually being there in the part. 
Yeah, exactly, so that can be in a lot of different ways, for instance, you'll be taking a picture, it could be, you know, Skype it can be, you know, lots of different things but essentially it's sexual intimacy through media, exposing myself or allowing myself to be sexually viewed by you or intimately viewed by somebody who is not maybe not necessarily present or I mean, people would be in the same room and sext. So, you know, what I mean? 
It's just another form of intimacy through media. 
So why... I mean, go ahead. No, I was gonna say in the media, the media supports it like there's a numerous amount of songs out there that support, you know, sexual, you know, talking, having phone sex, you know, or sending pictures and things like that. 
And it's not looked at as anything bad, it's looked at as, you know, it's safe because we're not really doing it, you know, we're just, yeah, and that's not true at all. Or even that sexting is a way to enhance your relationships. Or if you're in a long distance relationship, you can sext and that's not sex, so it's okay. So, you know, it's kind of pushed in that way. So, "Is that something that people may use to say, okay, I'm not really having sex but, you know, this is something in place of it. 
You know, so it's okay?" 
In order for you to have, in order for you, 'cause at most of the time this is, can I say this? 
Most of the time, when you do that, you're in some kind of way masturbating, or you're making yourself mentally have an orgasm and is that sin? 
Like does God look at that and say, "Oh, that's okay." 
You know, or is he looking at that and saying, whatever if you think it in your mind it's fornication to you, it's sin for you. That's what my Bible says. So you can't think that, oh, I'm not touching the person but I'm having an orgasm by this person or with the thought of this person with this visual picture of this person but I'm not sinning, there's we make up, man makes up all these technological, you know, advances and we think oh, we can use that in place of what God really wanted to happen and that's not okay. Yeah, so this would be also another form of fornication? You know what I saw, there's actually a new thing 
where if I'm in a long distance relationship with you, it's like I can buy lingerie that has touch sensors on the lingerie and so while you wear you're at, we can exchange, and I can touch, it's like a keypad, and I can sexually stimulate you from wherever I am, even that's crazy. 
And so... Someone don't need to hear that. Right, so the world is coming up with ways for people to be intimate outside of the natural way that God has created it to be. And if we don't guard ourselves, if we're not cautious and aware of the things that easily be set us, 
cause that's what sex on the side is, it's the pet sin. The sin you keep in your back pocket because you know it's gonna be work to let go of or you know that if you have to get out of that relationship to keep from having sex, people will look at you funny or, you know, you just don't want to have to tackle that. 
And that's what it is. Yeah, wow. 
I mean, what you described there it sounds, 
I mean, like a lot of addiction, a lot of obsession going on. So, I mean, why is it so popular, I mean, you know, I wanna talk to Kyle here, you know, and even Dajanae 
being on the university campus right now. I know this thing is becoming, talk to us a little bit about maybe how it is on the campus maybe and maybe why it's popular, you know, why is it such a big craze right now. The popularity would be because we want what we want now. And so instead of... 
Not even that, you should, 
fornication shouldn't be done, period.Yeah. But because things, because of technology in the way we want instant thing this way and that way, it's a selfish thing. It comes down to "I want what I want. And if I can't have it this way, then I'll find a way to get it that way." So I think that's why it's popular. Yeah, yeah. 
It's a sense of pre-exposure, a lot of us especially as, you know, time, time increases or whatever have you, we are pre-exposed, children are pre-exposed to sexual relations and images and things like that. So when you get to a certain age, it's like... It's normal. You know, even though we're told, you know, in church one thing. Sometimes in the homes we're not being told the same thing. Or let's say we are, like we said, the conversation is so taboo. Not so many people, not so many parents speak to their children about sex so they come to college and they're gonna experience for themselves. Or let's say they have spoken to them about sex, but not in the proper way like, it's bad, don't do it. And then you go to college and other people are doing it, "Well, let me experience" and this is the time that you find yourself. And there's a lot of encouragement through media, through peer pressure to live your life to the fullest and, you know, "Yolo" l and do what you can now because, you know, you don't want to get old and can't, you know, perform or whatever. And it's foolishness. It's absolute foolishness. And there's the sense of we all are emotional relational beings. We want to be close to someone, we want that. 
But there's, you, the mindset what... I used to work in the dorm, in the freshman dorm, and one thing that I would tell my girls is that you have to trust God that He'll take care of you, and you do not need to be in a relationship with anybody if that's not what God is calling you to do. Because it will mess up the thing that God is preparing you for, God is preparing a young man somewhere and He is preparing you right now. And if you bond with someone that you're not supposed to, when you finally do get your blessing, when you finally do walk into a promise land or what have you, you won't be able to enjoy what's in that land because you've already picked at it, and messed it up, and tore stuff apart from it. So you won't be able to enjoy, so wait be patient. Yeah, yeah, you know, that's which, I mean, there's so many forms of sex, you know, that's not, you know, not just talking about having just intercourse. You can do the media, I mean, through various mediums and what not, you know, so there's so many things that we have to be careful and watch out for as young people are trying to, you know, survive right now, trying to, you know, avoid this stuff, fornication that the devil is really trying to use to really bring us down. So and we're about, our times about up, and I just wanna read this text here in I Thessalonians 4:3-5. It says, "It is God's will that you should be sanctified, that you should avoid sexual immorality, that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the Heathen, who do not know God." 
And so we wanna hold ourselves to high standards. 
We wanna make sure that we understand, that we are children of the King, that we have a duty to uphold our standards and our morals to a high standard, and that God is wanting us to honor Him and even in our bodies. So that's it, remember to make Pure Choices. 

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