Saturday 8 October 2016

God as my all in all

God as my all in all

“Jim, WILL YOU come to the Realtors’ meeting next month and share the secrets of your success with the other agents?” the owner of the real estate agency asked.

“I’d be delighted to,” I responded and went happily on my way. I was flattered. After all, when I started my wilderness real estate practise, a number of these same professional realtors had expressed the opinion that I would starve up in the mountains. Now, I was the number-one realtor in their ranks, thanks partly to the fact that nobody else worked my valley. That meant I got all the listings and made all the sales.

I had been in sales all my life, and I felt I understood a thing or two about the relationship between buyers and sellers. Certainly, I could share the methods and techniques that had helped to make my practise prosperous.

All was well until my quiet time with the Lord the next morning.
The Lord asked me a question to which I had no ready answer: “Jim, are you going to tell those realtors the REAL reason for your success? Or are you simply going to share with them the part that your humanity has played in helping you succeed?”

“But Lord,” I protested, wishing to avoid the trend of our conversation, “they don’t want to know You-the Man behind my methods. They are just interested in my techniques.”

I knew that the businessmen and women were not expecting any type of spiritual emphasis, and a battle raged in my mind. What would happen if I got up and told the real secret of my success? I could picture them asking me to leave right in the middle of my speech. At the very least, even if they didn’t throw me out, I knew they wouldn’t understand where I was coming from, and it was likely that all my fellow realtors would reject me.

“No Lord. I just can’t do that!” But the impression wouldn’t go away. I had to deal with it, and at last I told the Lord that I would tell them the REAL SECRET to my success.

The day arrived, and as I stood in the podium and looked out on those individuals gathered to hear my secrets, I trembled. I wondered how they would receive my message. I sensed that my dependence had to be upon God.

This was not the first time in my life that I found myself battling a mixture of fear and dependence on God in my heart. Before we go on, let me share about the time I was …

Page 160 from Escape to God by Jim Hohnberger

In many ways, today’s ministers have the same dilemma I had as I stood before those realtors. Do we share the popular, expected message, or do we share with our hearers that which has a chance of transforming their lives, even at the risk of unpopularity or critical comment?

I began with my presentation on good sales techniques and the relationship between buyers and sellers. Then, I said, “If you follow the steps I have outlined for you this afternoon, you will find success in your practise, but not the kind of success I have had. It is kind of like my son’s cookie recipe. Everyone loves his cookies, and he gives the basic recipe out to anyone who asks, but when they go home and make the cookies, they complain that they just don’t come out as good as his do. This is because my son uses a secret ingredient in his cookies that no one else duplicates.
“My son pours love into every cookie. He prays that the Lord will bless his efforts, and God does because while other people use the exactly the same recipe, they do not get results that are as tasty as his.
“Friends, there is a secret ingredient to my success as a realtor as well. The secret to my real estate sales is a living connection with the Lord Jesus Christ, every moment of everyday. God sends me my clients, He opens up new listings for me. I filter all things through Him, and this enables me to inquire of the Lord what is the best property for my client - after all, I know He brought them to me for a purpose. This enables me to put ambition and concern over my profit aside and tell some clients that this isn’t the type of area they want to live in: ‘I can tell your wife doesn’t want to be this far from town. It is too remote.’ I sometimes tell other clients that they are overextended: ‘Sure, the bank would probably give you the loan, but they don’t care for your happiness down the road. I do. Sell your other property before you buy.’

Friends, my secret of success is that I am not their realtor, God is! He simply allows me to act as His representative. This is the secret to success available to any of you who wish it.”

I had worried and fretted so much about their reaction, but at least 90 percent of those present thanked me for the presentation. They told me it brought back their childhood upbringing, and more than one observed, “What are you doing selling real estate? You ought to be preacher!” Little did I realise how prophetic their words were.

So what about you? I know you cannot enjoy living life the way you have been. It’s hard to breathe without your breathing apparatus. Do you want to try to place your dependence upon God? Will you allow Him to be your all in all, and then make Him all in everything you do or think? He bids us, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden” (Matt.11:28 KJV):

Come to the air. Come make Him your all. Paul said, “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13:14 KJV). He is your breathing regulator. He is the only thing that allows you to survive in this world of sin. And after you have put Him on, never let Him go!

Taken from Escape to God by Jim Hohnberger

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