Tuesday 1 March 2016

Controlling your Emotions

 Life often throws up circumstances that provoke a person to lose their temper. Now, I’ve often heard it said, well, you can’t blame him, or her, given the circumstances.
But look at this; it’s Proverbs 16:32. The wise man wrote,
“He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”
 It’s virtuous to control your temper, not to lose it. The Bible never recommends blowing up, giving people a piece of your mind, letting it rip. God’s grace is given to us so that we can be Christ-like. And Jesus was a model of evenness every day of his life. The Pharisees plagued his steps, he had Judas and Peter to deal with, demon-possessed people, and yet he never lost it. Challenging, isn’t it? But it’s what Jesus can do in your life, and he wants to do it today.

John Bradshaw for It Is Written. Let’s live today by every word.

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