Saturday 23 May 2020

A New Leaf

He came to my desk with a quivering lip,
the lesson was done.
“Have you a new sheet for me, dear teacher?
I’ve spoiled this one.”
I took his sheet, all soiled and blotted
and gave him a new one all unspotted.
And into his tired heart I cried,
“Do better now, my child.”
I went home to the throne with a trembling heart;
the day was done.
“Have you a new day for me, dear Master?
I’ve spoiled this one.”
He took my day, all soiled and blotted
and gave me a new one all unspotted.
And into my tired heart he cried,
“Do better now, my child.”
Author anonymous, “A New Leaf,” James G. Lawson, compiler, The Best Loved Religious Poems (Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, 1961).

Sebastian Braxton: How to succeed at failure

An extremely powerful and inspiring interview with Sebastian Braxton, sharing some of his personal experiences and favourite quotes.

Saturday 16 May 2020

Dr Charles Wesley Knight: Keep Listening

Another POWERFUL sermon from Dr Charles Wesley Knight entitled Keep Listening.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Broken to Breakthrough Part 3

One family's  amazing story of overcoming abuse, addiction and hopelessness by Christian Berdahl.

Broken to Breakthrough Part 2

One family's  amazing story of overcoming abuse, addiction and hopelessness by Christian Berdahl.

Broken to Breakthrough Part 1

One family's  amazing story of overcoming abuse, addiction and hopelessness by Christian Berdahl.