Saturday 28 March 2020

Walter Vieth: Corona Virus Noahide Laws

This is a special episode of What's Up, Prof? where we discuss important information contained in a German government document that seems like a blueprint for a pandemic such as the coronavirus / SARS-CoV-2. We also discuss the Noahide laws and how all of this might pertain to the end time.

Personal Devotion

Purpose of Personal Devotion
          = To spend quality time with God - morning and evening
          = To nurture your relationship with God
          = To converse with God

1. Praise
  • Sing a Song
  • Read a Psalms / Bible Verse
  • Poem / other Text
  • Prayer / Converse with God as to a friend

2. Get to know God
= use at least 2 different set books for your devotional time. 
One for morning devotion and another for evening devotion. 

  • A devotional book (I.e The Chosen by Dwight Nelson)                       
  • Read a bible story or text                                      
  • Sabbath school lesson
  • EG White books or something else uplifting / inspiring
3.  Personal Devotional Journal / Notebook
= Use a notebook or journal to record your time with God. 
   Here are some ideas of things to jot down:-

  • Create a mindmap on the text that you read or studied that morning
  • Jot down your favourite verse or phase from the text
  • Write down your personal thoughts and ideas from the text
  • Write any associated bible verses or stories relating your text  
  • What have learnt or take away from todays devotion
  • Practise learning by heart your chosen bible verse for this week

4. Prayer
= Try to use bible verses as models for personal prayer 
= Try using the following structure:-

  • Thanks - what are you thankful for today, be specific - i.e use Psalms 34 as Model
  • Confession -  think of specific issues/ problems in your life - i.e use Psalms 51 as Model
  • Intercessory prayer - prayer everyday for one specific person
  • Personal prayer- ask for specific things relating to your day 

Sunday 8 March 2020

COM: Pornography in our churches

Although pornography is a serious problem in our churches, Jesus Christ provides the power to overcome it! Hear the stories of those who are living victorious lives on 3ABN Today Live!

Coming Out Ministries: A Journey Interrupted

We're all on a journey. Where's your journey taking you? Have you ever been dead set in one direction when -suddenly and unexpectedly-it was interrupted? That's what happened to each of us in 'Coming Out' Ministries.