Friday 24 January 2020

Radical Intervention

The personal testimony of the most powerful king in his day.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

“Justified in the Courtyard” - The Sanctuary Salvation & Our Savior

The first compartment of the sanctuary is the courtyard. The courtyard is where we are covered and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We are justified by faith through the blood of the Lamb in the courtyard. It is where we experience the imputed righteousness of Christ and are born again. Hosted by David Shin.

Radical Faithfulness

A challenge to a generation full of malaise and apathy.
We live in a culture where the Christian community
has recreated God in its own image—the postmodern Christian God that is big on grace and low on human commitment. Rationalizations are given for every biblical principle. Compromise and explanations are touted anytime biblical principles conflict with human desire. Inshort, we live in a world where Christianity promises you everything and yet requires little or no commitment.
Daniel chapter 3 radically challenges the postmodern picture of God. The God of Daniel is the God of both radi- cal grace and radical commitment. Rather than recreating God in our image, we are recreated in the image of God’swillingness to sacrifice even life itself.
The radical grace of God that required the death of God brings out a response of radical human commitment even unto death. The three Hebrews made their stand on the plain of Dura, exemplifying radical faithfulness unto death, a characteristic that will be reproduced again in God’s people at the end of time.