Thursday 30 June 2016

The spirit behind the music

Christians need to become more astute at determining the source of things.
For instance: when you hear a song from a favorite gospel artist or group, are you sure their source comes from God? Are they plugged into Holy Ghost power or demonic power?
Just because they can sing good or make you feel goosebumps doesn't mean God is their source. God may be the source of their gift: but is He the source for how that gift is being used?
Now I know some will say: 'But Mack, these gospel artists are singing gospel music (or Christian hip hop). Aren't they giving God the glory and leading others to Christ through their music?"
That depends again on the source. Is their music inspiring people to turn away from their sins, repent and turn to Christ? Is it influencing people to be more holy? If not, you must question the source.
It's real easy to determine which power is empowering them. Here's the acid test:
  • When you hear your favorite gospel song being played, what does it make you feel like doing? Does it inspire you to want to worship God with all your heart and soul: or are you really just moved to dance and gyrate your hips?
  • When you see your favorite gospel artist on stage performing or 'ministering,' are they dressed in a way that speaks to holiness and godliness? Or do they awaken and excite feelings of lust, sensuality and worldliness?
I remember back in my club scene days, I'd be posted up near the bar whispering game in some woman's ear: when all of a sudden a Kirk Franklin song would come on. This isn't meant to bash Kirk or his music in any way. But I'm just keeping it real because this genuinely baffled me. When his music would come on, instead of people leaving the dance floor, they would keep right on dancing without skipping a beat.
No one would pause, ponder, stare in bewilderment or anything. This was amazing to me even while I was in a backslidden state myself, because this was a gospel song being sung by a well known gospel artist, in a NIGHT CLUB! And yet no one felt any sense of conviction or need to change their ways.
The problem with the gospel music artists today is that many if not most are no longer plugged into God as their source. Their desire for worldly acceptance and demonic validation has blinded their hearts and corrupted their gifts.
Again: don't get the gifting confused with the anointing. God gives people their ability or talent. That's the gifting. But the person can choose to plug that talent into God's power for His glory or purposes, or choose instead to plug it into a demonic source for the devil's glory or purposes.
What does the music inspire you to do? If it doesn't inspire you to be more holy, to feel a stronger internal desire to dig deeper into His Word and spend more time with our Heavenly Father, or encourage yourself or your brethren in Christ to hold on and keep the faith: then that source does NOT come from God; no matter how talented the artist might be.
A Godly source will inspire you to become more holy and more godly. But a demonic source will encourage you to become more like those who are unsaved and of the world.
This is why you must steer yourself away from gospel artists who are inspiring you after the flesh. You know the type: the ones who go around proclaiming themselves to be 'sexy' Christians. Or the ones who are quick to call everyone else judgmental because they don't agree with mixing the holy with the profane.
The only place a self-proclaimed sexy Christian can lead you to is right into sexual sin. God doesn't need his people using their bodies to attract others to Him! What type of demonic mess is that?!
Christ has called us to be holy vessels of God, and to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, crucifying our flesh daily so we can walk in holiness and sexual purity. You won't be able to do that if you're running around promoting your sexiness to others.
In fact, you've already been compromised by the devil if you find yourself feeling defensive as you read this article.
I challenge anyone to find me the verse and scripture where God told anyone to use their bodies or ungodly means to draw others to Jesus. You won't be able to, because that idea came direct from Hell. It wasn't inspired by the Holy Spirit: it was inspired by the spirit of Lust.
Those type of gospel artists know they are very talented. But their hearts aren't right. And you can tell because their approach to their music ministry seems eerily similar to that of the mighty angelic worship leader who fell from God's grace when he too determined to use his godly gifts to gain worship for himself.
Satan was once the worship angel over all of the heavenly angelic host. He was known back then as Lucifer: the Covering Cherub. God created him with so much talent and beauty that when Lucifer even moved, his very body itself played wonderful worship music that praised God. God created him so that his very limbs and movements produced melodious sounds.
But his talents caused his heart to become lifted up in pride and vainglory. He decided: instead of getting others to worship God when he played and sang his inspiring music, he would get the angels to worship him directly.—Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:13-17
His talent became corrupted. And he lost his eternal place in heaven because of it. But not before corrupting the hearts and minds of many other angels too. How many, we don't know. But we know that number was numerous according to Rev 12:4.
Now he's busy with those angels on earth corrupting the worship of the saints of God by getting their favorite gospel artists and worship leaders to steer their attention away from Jesus Christ, and onto themselves and their own fleshly desires.
One last story and then I'm done: I remember going to church as a kid, and whenever someone got up to sing a solo, the elder church folk would say things like 'Let the Lord use you honey.' They said this because in their wisdom they knew the person could just as easily let a demon use them instead of being used by God. So they encouraged the soloist to channel the power of God for a powerful heavenly impact on the listeners.
It's time to purge your hearts and ears saints. This message won't be for everyone, because not everyone who calls himself or herself a believer really is.
Jesus said "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."―Matthew 7:21
This message is for those who truly desire to walk upright and live in such a manner that truly pleases our Heavenly Father.
If you have a strong addiction to listening to demonically inspired music...and remember our test from's time to purge your musical playlist. This is an important step in walking upright before God.
We're about to enter a phase in our world where darkness and sin will sweep this earth like never before.
God is allowing sin and demonic influence to increase because the time is near for Him to return and bring an end to Satan's reign of terror.
He's separating His sheep from Satan's goats. And all those who are still tinkering and tampering with sin will find it more difficult than ever to pull away. The sin you hold onto is the one that will destroy you. So don't be destroyed by sin: cast it out!
Go through your musical tastes and playlist. And do this prayerfully with all the honesty you can muster. As you honestly assess each artist you enjoy listening to and their music, ask yourself some simple questions:
What does this music inspire me to do? Am I influenced by this artist and their music to read my bible more, pray more, go to church more, abstain from sexual sin and walk in holiness? Or is it influencing me to think more about myself and my own fleshly desire for worldly and sensual validation?
Be totally honest and transparent. Pray and ask God by His Spirit to help you remove any and all influence from your life that does not match what His ideal for you is. He'll help you if you sincerely want His help.
*** This is a free chapter read of my newest ebook Hedonism: Destroying Demonic Sexual Strongholds.
Download the ebook today, and fortify your mind and spirit so that you may stand blameless and unashamed before Jesus Christ on the day of His soon return. His return is very near! He's coming back to judge this world for its many sins, and for how it treated his people. So now is not the time to start slacking in your walk with Him.
Download your copy below.
Taken from article by Mack Major

Friday 24 June 2016

Five barley loaves feed a multitude

All day the people had thronged the steps of Christ and His disciples as He taught beside the sea. They had listened to His gracious words, so simple and so plain that they were as the balm of Gilead to their souls. The healing of His divine hand had brought health to the sick and life to the dying. The day had seemed to them like heaven on earth, and they were unconscious of how long it had been since they had eaten anything.
The sun was sinking in the west, and yet the people lingered. Finally the disciples came to Christ, urging that for their own sake the multitude should be sent away. Many had come from far and had eaten nothing since morning. In the surrounding towns and villages they might be able to obtain food. But Jesus said, "Give ye them to eat." Matthew 14:16. Then, turning to Philip, He questioned, "Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" John 6:5.
Philip looked over the sea of heads and thought how impossible it would be to provide food for so great a company. He answered that two hundred pennyworth of bread would not be enough to divide among them so that each might have a little.
Jesus inquired how much food could be found among the company. "There is a lad here," said Andrew; "which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?" Verse 9. Jesus directed that these be brought to Him. Then He bade the disciples seat the people on the grass. When this was accomplished, He took the food,
"and looking up to heaven, He blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to His disciples,
and the disciples to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of
the fragments that remained twelve baskets full." Matthew 14:19, 20.
It was by a miracle of divine power that Christ fed the multitude; yet how humble was the fare provided--only the fishes and barley loaves that were the daily fare of the fisher-folk of Galilee.
Christ could have spread for the people a rich repast, but food prepared merely for the gratification of appetite would have conveyed no lesson for their good. Through this miracle Christ desired to teach a lesson of simplicity. If men today were simple in their habits, living in harmony with nature's laws, as did Adam and Eve in the beginning, there would be an abundant supply for the needs of the human family. But selfishness and the indulgence of appetite have brought sin and misery, from excess on the one hand, and from want on the other.
Jesus did not seek to attract the people to Him by gratifying the desire for luxury. To that great throng, weary and hungry after the long, exciting day, the simple fare was an assurance both of His power and of His tender care for them in the common needs of life. The Saviour has not promised His followers the luxuries of the world; their lot may be shut
in by poverty; but His word is pledged that their need shall be supplied, and He has
promised that which is better than earthly good--the abiding comfort of His own presence.
After the multitude had been fed, there was an abundance of food left. Jesus bade His disciples, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." John 6:12. These words meant more than putting the food into baskets. The lesson was twofold. Nothing is to be wasted. We are to let slip no temporal advantage. We should neglect nothing that would serve to benefit a human being. Let everything be gathered up that will relieve the necessities of earth's hungry ones. With the same carefulness are we to treasure the bread from heaven to satisfy the needs of the soul. By every word of God we are to live. Nothing that God has spoken is to be lost. Not one word that concerns our eternal salvation are we to neglect. Not one word is to fall useless to the ground.
The miracle of the loaves teaches dependence upon God. When Christ fed the five thousand, the food was not nigh at hand. Apparently He had no means at His command. There He was, with five thousand men, besides women and children, in the wilderness. He had not invited the multitude to follow Him thither. Eager to be in His presence, they had come without invitation or command; but He knew that after listening all day to His instruction they were hungry and faint. They were far from home, and the night was at hand. Many of them were without means to purchase food. He who for their sake had fasted forty days in the wilderness, would not suffer them to return fasting to their homes.
The providence of God had placed Jesus where He was, and He depended on His heavenly Father for means to relieve
the necessity. When we are brought into strait places, we are to depend on God. In
every emergency we are to seek help from Him who has infinite resources at His command.
In this miracle, Christ received from the Father; He imparted to the disciples, the disciples to the people, and the people to one another. So all who are united to Christ will receive from Him the bread of life, and impart it to others. His disciples are the appointed means of communication between Christ and the people.
When the disciples heard the Saviour's direction, "Give ye them to eat," all the difficulties arose in their minds. They questioned, "Shall we go into the villages to buy food?" But what said Christ? "Give ye them to eat." The disciples brought to Jesus all they had; but He did not invite them to eat. He bade them serve the people. The food multiplied in His hands, and the hands of the disciples, reaching out to Christ, were never unfilled. The little store was sufficient for all. When the multitude had been fed, the disciples ate with Jesus of the precious, heaven-supplied food.
As we see the necessities of the poor, the ignorant, the afflicted, how often our hearts sink. We question, "What avail our feeble strength and slender resources to supply this terrible necessity? Shall we not wait for someone of greater ability to direct the work, or for some organization to undertake it?" Christ says, "Give ye them to eat." Use the means, the time, the ability, you have. Bring your barley loaves to Jesus.
Though your resources may not be sufficient to feed thousands, they may suffice to feed one. In the hand of Christ they may feed many. Like the disciples, give what you have. Christ will multiply the gift. He will reward honest, simple reliance
upon Him. That which seemed but a meager supply will prove to be a rich feast.
"He that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he that soweth with blessings shall reap also with blessings. . . . God is able to make all grace abound unto you; that ye, having always all sufficiency in everything, may abound unto every good work: as it is written,
"He hath scattered abroad, He hath given to the poor; His righteousness abideth forever. "And He that supplieth seed to the sower and bread for food, shall supply and multiply your seed for sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness: ye being enriched in everything unto all liberality." 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, R.V., margin.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Ministry of Healing - brotherly love

Brotherly Love
Christ recognized no distinction of nationality or rank or creed. The scribes and Pharisees desired to make a local and a national benefit of the gifts of heaven and to exclude the rest of God's family in the world. But Christ came to break down every wall of partition. He came to show that His gift of mercy and love is as unconfined as the air, the light, or the showers of rain that refresh the earth.
The life of Christ established a religion in which there is no caste, a religion by which Jew and Gentile, free and bond, are linked in a common brotherhood, equal before God. No question of policy influenced His movements. He made no difference between neighbors and strangers, friends and enemies. That which appealed to His heart was a soul thirsting for the waters of life.
He passed by no human being as worthless, but sought to apply the healing remedy to every soul. In whatever company He found Himself He presented a lesson appropriate to the time and the circumstances. Every neglect or insult shown by men to their fellow men
only made Him more conscious of their need of His divine-human sympathy. He sought to inspire with hope the roughest and most unpromising, setting before them the assurance that they might become blameless and harmless, attaining such a character as would make them manifest as the children of God.
Often He met those who had drifted under Satan's control, and who had no power to break from his snare. To such a one, discouraged, sick, tempted, fallen, Jesus would speak words of tenderest pity, words that were needed and could be understood. Others He met who were fighting a hand-to-hand battle with the adversary of souls. These He encouraged to persevere, assuring them that they would win; for angels of God were on their side and would give them the victory.
At the table of the publicans He sat as an honored guest, by His sympathy and social kindliness showing that He recognized the dignity of humanity; and men longed to become worthy of His confidence. Upon their thirsty hearts His words fell with blessed, life-giving power. New impulses were awakened, and to these outcasts of society there opened the possibility of a new life.
Though He was a Jew, Jesus mingled freely with the Samaritans, setting at nought the Pharisaic customs of His nation. In face of their prejudices He accepted the hospitality of this despised people. He slept with them under their roofs, ate with them at their tables,--partaking of the food prepared and served by their hands,--taught in their streets, and treated them with the utmost kindness and courtesy. And while He drew their hearts to Him by the tie of human sympathy, His divine grace brought to them the salvation which the Jews rejected.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Where is God when I'm suffering?

The personal story of Larry Craviness as he shares the gripping testimony about the losing his son Tad and what its like caring for a terminally ill child. He also shares his personal battle with faith and answers the question, where is God?

Tuesday 7 June 2016

The greatness of Humility

Sunday May 22

The Greatness of Humility

Who doesn’t aspire to greatness? That is, who doesn’t want to be great or do great things? This desire doesn’t always have to arise from selfishness or from ego or arrogance. It could simply be doing the very best that you can at whatever you do, hoping perhaps that what you do could even bring blessings upon others. (See also Eccles. 9:10.)
The problem, however, comes in defining “greatness.” How easy for our fallen human minds to understand the concept in a way that vastly differs from God’s view.
Read Matthew 18:1-4. According to Jesus, what is true greatness, and how are we to understand it in a way that we can apply it to our own lives?

To define true greatness, Jesus called a child to stand before Him and said, “‘Whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven’” (vs. 4, NKJV). Jesus didn’t talk about being a great preacher, or a great businessman, or even a great philanthropist. Greatness, in the sight of God, is what we are inside, not what we do externally, though no doubt what’s inside will impact what we do externally.
Notice, Jesus defines greatness in a way that most people in the world don’t. After all, who wakes up one day and decides that the greatness he or she wants in life is to be as humble as a little child? It seems strange to us, to aspire to something like that, but this is only because we are so tainted by the world’s principles, ideas, and concepts.
What does it mean to be humble like a little child? One of the indicators of humility is obedience, putting God’s Word ahead of our own will. If you are on the wrong path in your life, then that’s because you’re on your own path. The solution is simple: humble yourself and get back on God’s path through obedience to His Word. If Adam and Eve had stayed humble, they would not have sinned. It’s interesting to consider that the tree of life and the tree of knowledge were both located in the middle of the garden. Often life and destruction aren’t far apart. The difference is humility.
What are some other attitudes and ideas we hold only because of our contact with the world, attitudes and ideas that are in conflict with the Word of God? Bring your answer to class on Sabbath.