Friday 30 May 2014

Happy Sabbath Everyone.

So the blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy, that we might find rest and spend time with him. 

Monday 12 May 2014

God our Father

God our Father
‘…Is anything too hard for me?’ Jeremiah 32:27 NIV

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name…’ ‘Hallowed’ is a way of describing God as holy. Or blessed. Or respected. We’ve looked a little at God being our father. But what if your experience of the word ‘Dad’ isn’t great? What if the word is loaded because Dad was distant or absent or let you down? Well this word ‘Hallowed’ reminds us God is no ordinary dad. God is holy. This means He doesn’t lie or let us down. God is unchanging. This means He isn’t influenced by moods and feelings. God is love. This means He doesn’t get interested only when it’s convenient. God has us on His mind constantly. He cares about us. He loves us with perfect love. And what’s more, God is the God of overcoming the impossible (ever read that bit about mustard seeds and mountains?)
So get this: the God who parted the Red Sea is your Dad. The God who was hanging out even before the Universe was a thing is your Father. The God who scattered stars in the night, who gives scenery to the sightless, who carries the meaning of life in His back pocket, is your Daddy. Is anything too impossible for your Dad? No sir. Your Dad is all powerful God. There’s an incredible amount of safety in that.
What Now?
In today's verse God asks, 'Is anything too hard for Me?' The truth - absolutely nothing. Today, write 'nothing' on your notepad. No matter what you experience, remember it's not too hard for your Dad.