Friday 29 April 2011

Jesus is...

Jesus is the song that I sing
He is the joy that a new day brings.
He is my strength when I am weak,
He is my voice when I speak
He is my friend when I need a hug
He is my lover, when I need real love.
He is the lawyer who pleads my case
He is the only righteous judge who forgives me,
then, all my sins he does erase.
He is the doctor who heals my wounds,
He is my redeemer, and He’s coming back soon.
He is my comforter when I’m feeling down,
He is my angel that is ever present, always around.
He is my provider always supplying when I need help,
He is my water, my bread, stored up on the shelf.
He is my teacher, who shows me what to do,
He is my encourager, when I really don’t want to.
He is that fire burning deep down in my soul,
He is my fortune-teller, for in his hands, my future he holds.
He is the repairman, who comes to fix my stuff,
He is the everlasting father, who is more than enough.
He is the prince of peace; yes a peacemaker is he,
He is my eyes, my light, my pathway, when I can’t see.
He is my mighty counsellor when I need advice,
He is my debt consolidator, for He paid the ultimate price.
He is my hope for tomorrow,
He is my ever-flowing income,
so I don’t have to beg, steal, nor borrow.
He is the mercy, which He renews for me everyday,
He is my truth, my life, the only way.
He is the warden, who unlocks the chains and sets me free,
He is my role model, for I always look up to thee.
He is the author, the finisher of my faith,
He is the patience that always tells me to wait.
Jesus is my everything,
although with my natural eyes, Him, I cannot see,
Jesus is my everything, my everything, everything I want to be.
Jesus is my everything,
all the time, everyday of the year
So when I wake up the morning I will tell Him that He is my everything

When I am about to close my eyes to sleep, I will tell Him that He is my Everything

And even if death should take my and worms have destroyed my body
Yet in my flesh I shall see Jesus
And I shall tell Him face to face
Jesus, You are my everything!

By Paul Ciniraj

Thursday 28 April 2011

Chief of Sinners though I be

Chief of sinners though i be

The depth and hue of my sin as that of the Red sea
Blessed assurance, Jesus still says to me
"I gave my life for thee"

Chief of sinners i am
Moment by moment His commandments break i them
Intemperance, pride, covetousness
daily weighed and found wanting in the balances of righteousness
When in despair i proclaim "woe is me!"
A still small voice whispers
"My grace is sufficient for thee"

Chief of sinners though i be
Each day crucifying Him a new on calvary`s tree
About to let down the banner, asking why bother?
Wondefully God counsels
"Come now let us reason together"

Chief of sinners though i be
Jesus shed His blood for me.
Though Satan`s arrows are hurled at a me
Safely in Him, sin i can conquer, why?
He promised
"You are the apple of mine eye"

Chief of sinners though i be, Jesus died for me..

By Gobe Halahala

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Does anybody know you're a Christian

Does anybody even know you’re A Christian?

Does anybody even know that you’re a Christian?
When you go to your school or your job, can anybody tell by your actions that you believe in God or cannot they tell the difference in what you believe and how you act.
Because you’re always at the club with a drink or talking about somebody else behind their back and when they finally figure out you’re a Christian they start talking behind yours and then you wonder why when people look at you they can’t even respect the fact that you’re a Christian anymore.
Because you may be the only example they have and if they can’t tell the difference between your wrong and their wrong they aint going to follow God’s path, Does anybody even know you’re a Christian?
Do the people even know that the God in you is there, when somebody who doesn’t believe in God looses someone in their family do they even think to go to you for prayer, because they don’t know where else to go and if not when did Jesus become your own personal secret for nobody else to know.
Are you serious Jesus Christ didn’t get stretched out on the cross so your testimony could be mysterious because, silent testimonies have never saved souls, while our testimonies lay low, and we wonder why the world is raised in hell? Because a lot of Christians are too worried about other people’s opinions and too busy trying to save themself.
And y’all I don’t know what’s worse nobody knowing I am a Christian or the only people that know I am a Christian are the people at my church.
What you’ll have to understand is people sacrificed their lives to spread the love of Jesus throughout the earth, and you mean to tell me you more worried about what other people may think or believe. What if Jesus was more concerned with other people’s opinions than the Salvation you received?
Bleed until he bled, all his blood until he was dead, nailed his feet thorns in head, what if Jesus was less concerned about spreading the gospel and cared more about what people said, nah instead he stood for what was right. Jesus wanted everybody in the world to know and everybody to know that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have ever-lasting life.
Does anybody know you’re a Christian by your actions, or does everybody think you’re a Christian because you’re acting?
Does anybody know you’re a Christian by your actions, or does everybody think you’re a Christian while you’re acting? And the only reason why I ask is because half of us are putting on a vasade trying to treat our walk with God like were expecting full time benefits when he is our part time job.
But working with God isn’t a part-time gig, it’s not a job, or a career it’s a lifestyle that you have to live, and what you have to understand is one soul’s trash is another soul’s treasure. And if you won’t take your time then Jay Z will continue to convince them that Jesus can’t save them with the Empire State of mind. Does anybody know that you’re a Christian? Are you letting his light shine through and if not, how many more times are you going to deny Jesus before Jesus deny you.